pregnant baby

November 18, 2005

Last Trimester (Week 37-40) In Syawal

Week 40
What your baby's up to
Your baby could be gaining as much as one full ounce of weight per day now. While he continues to urinate and practice breathing, your baby is also storing meconium (your baby's first bowel movement) in his intestines. His lungs are continuing to mature and his grasp has become even firmer then before. Your baby is approximately 20 inches long and weighs about 6 1/2 to 7 pounds. Almost all babies born now will live with little medical intervention.

About you and your body
You may begin to feel electrical buzzes down your legs and inside your vagina. This is caused from the baby hitting nerves as he settles into your pelvis. You may be experiencing some Braxton-Hicks contractions, which can be irregular and very painful. These contractions may be felt in your back, hips, lower abdomen and your pelvis. The difference between these contractions and "real" ones are that true labor contractions usually start at the top of your uterus and spread over the entire uterus, through your back and into the pelvis. True labor pains will be progressive in strength and duration and will not be alleviated when you change positions. If you're unsure, call your doctor. But don’t worry. You'll know the difference – trust your body.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Gradually Medical Checkup
8/11/2005(Tuesday) Week 37

Hb 9.5 g/dl.74.8kg.100/70.Tinggi rahim 36cm.Gerak,aktif..Beraya juge..hehehe..

9/11/2005 (Wednesday)

Checkup at Razif.Sekali dapat doktor Razif himself.Orangnya kecik ajer..Bukan ngutuk cuma
berbeza dari anggapan bu sebelum ni.He's quite agresif orangnya but a good doctor to me.So alert.Sorok2 kaki sekam ni nampak jugak dia and u know what his advice? Bius,cabut kuku,bungkus.Baru baik.He admitted that he is quite mean.Hehehe..joking..He set the next appointment on 23rd Nov, 6 days to deliver.This day at last bu dapat gambar scan baby bu tapi sayangnya baby dah besar tak dapat nak capture semua.Dapat part kepala dan perut je.Jadi la..Yang bestnye doktor Razif kata im fine,baby also fine and should be no problem..Memang itu yang bu nak dengar time tu coz bu semakin hari semakin nervous..

15/11/2005(Tuesday)Week 39

Hb 9.2 g/dl.75.6 kg.110/70.Tinggi rahim 37cm.Advice macam biasa but start minggu lepas,once a week kene datang checkup.The most important advice to follow is kalau dah ada tanda sakit bersalin,like air ketuban pecah or ada one dot blood,immediately go to hospital.

Syawal ni disambut dengan bersederhana je.Mama bu pun sama coz kami lebih pentingkan persediaan kehadiran cahayamata kami ni.1 Syawal tu syahdu jugak,ntah kenapa bu rasa sebak sangat masa bersalam dengan baba mohon ampun time tu.Bu kept thinking that I wont survive masa deliver nanti walaupun everything is fine and should be ok like the doctors said.Manusia punya asa,tuhan punya kuasa..Bu pasrah..Tapi jauh dalam sudut hati bu inginkan semuanya selamat dan kehidupan diteruskan untuk menjadi lebih baik dan lebih bahagia dengan kehadiran cahaya mata kami..Insyaallah..

Bu.. slept soundly at 11/18/2005 01:01:00 PM

about me

*Dear All,Assalammualaikum and salam sejahtera.Welcome to Our Angel's Journey blog, khas buat our 1st coming baby after one year marriage..Let's share the story..
*Parents: Kartini(Bu)&Fairuz(Baba)
*Married: 13th March 2004(21 Muharram 1425)
*Baby will born: 29th Nov 2005(27 Syawal 1426)

Recent Journey

Last Trimester (Week 32-35) In Ramadhan
Last Trimester (Week 28-31)
Second Trimester (Week 23-27)
Second Trimester (Week 19-22)
Second Trimester (Week 15-18)
First Trimester (Week 10-14)
First Trimester (Week 8 - 10)
First Trimester (1-3 months)
Welcome to the angel of our life...
Akhirnya..Setelah setahun menanti...

Past Journey

March 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
July 2007


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