pregnant baby

October 31, 2005

Last Trimester (Week 32-35) In Ramadhan

Week 33
What your baby's up to
By now, you have all the amniotic fluid you are going to have and the amount will remain consistent until delivery. Your baby's brain continues to grow, increasing the size of his head. Your baby continues to develop fat deposits under the skin, changing the color of his skin from red to pink. If you're having a boy his testicles have moved from their location near the kidneys through the groin to the scrotum. If you are having a girl, her chlitorus is relatively prominent. Your baby is approximately 17.5 inches long weighs a little over four pounds now.

About you and your body
You will be gaining about a pound a week now. While mild swelling is normal, be sure to watch out for any sudden (over the course of two to three days), especially in your face. If you do experience sudden swelling, be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. This could be an early sign of preeclampsia, a condition that could be harmful to you and your baby.
You can now probably distinguish the baby's knee from and elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. This is probably caused by the baby having hiccups and isn't cause for alarm. Take this time to continue learning all you can about your
labor, the birth process, and your postpartum recovery.

Gradually Medical Checkup
4/10/2005(Tuesday) Week 32

Hb 9.0 g/dl.71.3kg. 100/60.Tinggi baby 33cm.gerak positif.Sekam kaki ibu jari kaki kanan. Esok puasa.Ari tu bu try puasa,alhamdulilah.Takde apa2 masalah.Mintak2 Ramadhan ni bu dapat penuh..

13/10/2005(Thursday) Week 33

Register at Klinik Pakar Wanita Razif Norana untuk bersalin nanti.First visit je layanan dah best.Hilang gemuruh dan kerisauan di hati.Sengaja pilih klinik ni coz strongly suggested by Kak Zura anak cik Eton and price dia pun reasonable.Takut dgn HTAR la..Macam 2 cerita adaaa...

18/10/2005(Tuesday) Week 34

Hb 9.3 g/dl.hmmm..peningkatan..tapi cam biasala..darah naik,urine problem.walaupun takde connection tp itulah yg berlaku pada bu.. hmm.. =( Berat 72.7.100/80.Tinggi rahim 34cm.Pembesaran ok.Denyut nadi kuat.Baby ibu sihat.. =D

Sepanjang bulan puasa ni,bu cuma dapat puasa 3 hari je.Masuk hari keempat,keadaan bu berubah sama sekali,mabuk,lemah,sendi sakit,tak larat je,melepek..Almaklum la kandungan dah besar,8 bulan.Baby belum boleh accept kot.Takpe la.Hopefully bila dia besar nanti dia akan jadi sihat dan kuat boleh puasa cukup...heheheh..jauh sungguh angan2 bu ye..Disebabkan bu tak puasa,so bu berupaya la sikit2 buat keje/persiapan apa2 yg patut untuk raya ni.Yang paling bu enjoy ialah preparation berbuka untuk baba dan buit kuih raya!! Next year insyaallah larat nanti bu nak buat jual lagi..Macam sebelum2 ni.Tempahan ada actually untuk thn ni tp takde tenaga dan modal and the most important thing is bcoz seluruh tumpuan diberi pada baby bu in tummy ni.. ;-)

Bu.. slept soundly at 10/31/2005 12:12:00 PM

about me

*Dear All,Assalammualaikum and salam sejahtera.Welcome to Our Angel's Journey blog, khas buat our 1st coming baby after one year marriage..Let's share the story..
*Parents: Kartini(Bu)&Fairuz(Baba)
*Married: 13th March 2004(21 Muharram 1425)
*Baby will born: 29th Nov 2005(27 Syawal 1426)

Recent Journey

Last Trimester (Week 28-31)
Second Trimester (Week 23-27)
Second Trimester (Week 19-22)
Second Trimester (Week 15-18)
First Trimester (Week 10-14)
First Trimester (Week 8 - 10)
First Trimester (1-3 months)
Welcome to the angel of our life...
Akhirnya..Setelah setahun menanti...
Di awal perkahwinan...

Past Journey

March 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
July 2007


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