March 29, 2005
Welcome to the angel of our life...
Keputusannya+ve (positive)!!! Confirm bu mengandung! Punya la happy pagi-pagi buta tu..Baba terus niat puasa untuk hari tu.Walaupun keputusan Pregnancy Test Kit tu dah jelas,still ada ragu jugak,kot kot bende tu salah ke error ke.So kami decide pegi check kat klinik.Baba pilih Klinik Bersalin Syahirah kat seksyen 7,Shah Alam sebab klinik tu baru lagi,tak ramai orang dan selesa.Bu ikut ajer. Sampai sana lebih kurang pukul 9.Memang takde orang (pesakit) tapi dalam bilik doktor tu ada visitor promote produk.Kerani kaunter dia pun memang baru sangat,nampak dia kekok.Tak kisah la.Janji nak confirm je ni,ada ke tidak cayang bu dalam pewot ni...heheheh..Masuk masuk je bilik doktor tu,tengok dia pun mengandung gak,dah besar pun perutnya.Banyak bende dia tanya.At first dia agak kali ni pun bu 'fault alarm' macam previous yang bu citer,rasa mcm ada sekali takde..Baba dah mula nak frust dah.Entah kenapa bu rasa confident yang bu pregnant.Selalu bu la yang paling syak wasangka.Lepas interview banyak tu,doktor pun scan la..Time scan tu ada nampak bulat je.Macam gambar kat atas tu.Doktor
SAHkan yang itu adalah embrio berusia 5 minggu!Bu tengok baba senyum sampai ke telinga.Bu lagi la..Lepas scan tu,doktor simpan dulu gambarnya.Dia kata next visit baru boleh amik the 2nd time punya scan picture.Tak best la,tapi happy tersangat sangat happy =D.Doktor bagi advise lagi,kene jaga makan minum,banyakkan berehat dalam trimester pertama ni (1-3 bulan).Actually memang kene berjaga jaga dan berhati hati dari awal pregnancy sampai bersalin coz keguguran boleh berlaku tak kira masa tapi risikonya lebih tinggi pada awal trimester.So,bermulalah hidup baru kami menanti kelahiran buah hati,cahaya rumahtangga kami..
Pada hari itu,baba berpuasa niat dan dengan gembiranya kami bagitau orang orang terdekat; member member opis,mama,kak yati (the first one),bibik,mak,dan adik2 ipar di rumah.Disebabkan baba duty sampai malam kat opis so we celebrate besday baba and the gud news kat opis,makan kek dan KFC...
HARI YANG PALING MENGGEMBIRAKAN DALAM SEJARAH PERKAHWINAN KAMI.Baby's journey on the 35th day/5 weeks in Bu's womb.What your baby's up toYou won't believe the changes that your baby has already gone through in such a short time. Your baby's heart is 3/4 of the way formed and will begin beating this week! Also developing are the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems and the reproductive and other major organs. Early this week your baby becomes pear-shaped. The rounded end will become the head while the pointed end becomes your baby's spine. Your baby is now known as an embryo and is about 1.5 - 2.5 mm or 0.05 - 0.09 inches in length.
About you and your bodyThis week may have you feeling even more tired now. As far as the other symptoms, they are very similar to last week - sore breasts, fatigue, backaches, heartburn, morning sickness and mood swings. You may start to get headaches as your hormone levels rise as well. You can try sleeping in a supportive bra (such as a jogging bra) to help with the breast soreness. Also, eating smaller, more frequent meals can sometimes help with both the morning sickness and heartburn.
There are some women who simply sail through their first few weeks (and often their first trimester) of pregnancy without any symptoms at all. This is perfectly normal and no cause for concern or panic. However, if you have a sudden loss of your pregnancy symptoms, see your medical healthcare provider as soon as you can.
Pregnancy symptoms you may experience
You may be unusually tired, due to your body adapting to the demands of pregnancy. Be sure to get plenty of rest.
You may have tender breasts. Your nipples may appear darker, and more prominent. Be sure to wear a good support bra.
You may experience a metallic taste in your mouth.
You may experience morning sickness. If you find that queasiness is a problem, try keeping crackers by your bed in the morning. Some women find that eating 6 small high-carbohydrate meals instead of 3 large meals helps as well. Try to avoid fatty foods.
p/s: picture and data from P&B
slept soundly at
3/29/2005 04:44:00 AM