pregnant baby

July 11, 2007

Setahun lebih berlalu..

Holla everybody..

Sorry for the delay.. Was so bz with d baby now become big baby oredi n soon gonna have another baby.. Thanks for those who support this blog.. Wanna know about this baby rite? Will appear soon but not so soon at d new blog. Baby boy delivered safe n soundly on 27th November 2005 at 6.45p.m. Named Akalil Fathi bin Mohd Fairuz Akhla. Everything was ok n fine just he is a G6PDian. Must avoid kacang parang. After 1 month, him,my hubby n i were moved to Singapore for a new life. Later will update all of u perkembangan dia dari sebulan sampai d latest one.. Insyaallah..Siap dgn gambar..Just doakan i sihat dan ada masa utk ini...

C ya!! ;)

Bu.. slept soundly at 7/11/2007 01:51:00 PM

November 20, 2005

9 hari lagi... (38th week and 5 days pregnant)

9 days to go! countdown! kira jangan tak kira.Malam tadi dah mula mengeras dengan agak kerap tapi tak sakit.Macam digigit semut je.Bu mula banyak praktis berjalan untuk legakan ketakselesaan bu yang lebih disebabkan oleh luka2 dan bengkak2 (sekam dan bisul) yang tak sepatutnya.Tido pun tak lena,kerap ke tandas dan amik masa balik nak tido.Malam tadi tido pukul 3 pagi.Pagi pukul 8 dah bangun.Aktifkan diri wat keje apa2 yg patut,consider macam exercise la.Kepala bengal je tapi tak done nak tido siang.Tolong masak kat dapur.Settle,penat,relaks kat hall tengok tv sambil baring2.Bu perasan sejak 2-3 hari ni bu selera makan dan kerap lapar.Cian kat baba tengah2 malam tolong buatkan bu milo dan carik roti kat dapur.Hmm..memang rasa nak bersalin cepat ni..Tak sabar nak tatap muka baby dan dah tak larat dah ni..Astaghfirullahalazim..Kene sabarrr...

Bu.. slept soundly at 11/20/2005 07:55:00 PM

November 19, 2005

10 hari lagi.. ( 38th week and 4 days pregnant)

Diam tak diam lagi 10 hari Our Angel akan merealisasikan impian kami.Diharap-harapkan semuanya akan berjalan lancar dan selamat.

Bermula hari ini badan bu mula dah rasa tak sedap.Tak larat tu memang dah dari hari tu dah.Braxton Hicks tu dah mula terasa.Baby mengeras dengan kuat dan lebih banyak kali dari biasa tapi tidaklah terlalu kerap,cuma lama sikit dari biasa.Badan bu mengembang,kaki bengkak.Sekam di ibu jari kaki kanan tak baik lagi,jari tengah kaki kiri pulak kene akibat salah cara potong kuku.Begitu juga dengan jari manis tangan kiri dan jari kelingking tangan kanan.Ditambah pulak bisul dibawah perut.Aduh..serba tak kene bu dibuatnya...Rasa nak bersalin cepat.Sungguh! Lebih lebih lagi 2 orang kakak angkat, Kak Zura dan Kak Linda bersalin awal dari due date buat bu wonder,naper bu tak awal pulak eh? 'apa punya soalan daa..' Maybe punctual mcm bu sendiri kot.Memang 29hb, lagi 10 hari.Sabar aje la..

Bu.. slept soundly at 11/19/2005 02:02:00 PM

November 18, 2005

Last Trimester (Week 37-40) In Syawal

Week 40
What your baby's up to
Your baby could be gaining as much as one full ounce of weight per day now. While he continues to urinate and practice breathing, your baby is also storing meconium (your baby's first bowel movement) in his intestines. His lungs are continuing to mature and his grasp has become even firmer then before. Your baby is approximately 20 inches long and weighs about 6 1/2 to 7 pounds. Almost all babies born now will live with little medical intervention.

About you and your body
You may begin to feel electrical buzzes down your legs and inside your vagina. This is caused from the baby hitting nerves as he settles into your pelvis. You may be experiencing some Braxton-Hicks contractions, which can be irregular and very painful. These contractions may be felt in your back, hips, lower abdomen and your pelvis. The difference between these contractions and "real" ones are that true labor contractions usually start at the top of your uterus and spread over the entire uterus, through your back and into the pelvis. True labor pains will be progressive in strength and duration and will not be alleviated when you change positions. If you're unsure, call your doctor. But don’t worry. You'll know the difference – trust your body.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Gradually Medical Checkup
8/11/2005(Tuesday) Week 37

Hb 9.5 g/dl.74.8kg.100/70.Tinggi rahim 36cm.Gerak,aktif..Beraya juge..hehehe..

9/11/2005 (Wednesday)

Checkup at Razif.Sekali dapat doktor Razif himself.Orangnya kecik ajer..Bukan ngutuk cuma
berbeza dari anggapan bu sebelum ni.He's quite agresif orangnya but a good doctor to me.So alert.Sorok2 kaki sekam ni nampak jugak dia and u know what his advice? Bius,cabut kuku,bungkus.Baru baik.He admitted that he is quite mean.Hehehe..joking..He set the next appointment on 23rd Nov, 6 days to deliver.This day at last bu dapat gambar scan baby bu tapi sayangnya baby dah besar tak dapat nak capture semua.Dapat part kepala dan perut je.Jadi la..Yang bestnye doktor Razif kata im fine,baby also fine and should be no problem..Memang itu yang bu nak dengar time tu coz bu semakin hari semakin nervous..

15/11/2005(Tuesday)Week 39

Hb 9.2 g/dl.75.6 kg.110/70.Tinggi rahim 37cm.Advice macam biasa but start minggu lepas,once a week kene datang checkup.The most important advice to follow is kalau dah ada tanda sakit bersalin,like air ketuban pecah or ada one dot blood,immediately go to hospital.

Syawal ni disambut dengan bersederhana je.Mama bu pun sama coz kami lebih pentingkan persediaan kehadiran cahayamata kami ni.1 Syawal tu syahdu jugak,ntah kenapa bu rasa sebak sangat masa bersalam dengan baba mohon ampun time tu.Bu kept thinking that I wont survive masa deliver nanti walaupun everything is fine and should be ok like the doctors said.Manusia punya asa,tuhan punya kuasa..Bu pasrah..Tapi jauh dalam sudut hati bu inginkan semuanya selamat dan kehidupan diteruskan untuk menjadi lebih baik dan lebih bahagia dengan kehadiran cahaya mata kami..Insyaallah..

Bu.. slept soundly at 11/18/2005 01:01:00 PM

October 31, 2005

Last Trimester (Week 32-35) In Ramadhan

Week 33
What your baby's up to
By now, you have all the amniotic fluid you are going to have and the amount will remain consistent until delivery. Your baby's brain continues to grow, increasing the size of his head. Your baby continues to develop fat deposits under the skin, changing the color of his skin from red to pink. If you're having a boy his testicles have moved from their location near the kidneys through the groin to the scrotum. If you are having a girl, her chlitorus is relatively prominent. Your baby is approximately 17.5 inches long weighs a little over four pounds now.

About you and your body
You will be gaining about a pound a week now. While mild swelling is normal, be sure to watch out for any sudden (over the course of two to three days), especially in your face. If you do experience sudden swelling, be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. This could be an early sign of preeclampsia, a condition that could be harmful to you and your baby.
You can now probably distinguish the baby's knee from and elbow, even though the movements are smaller. You may also notice small bumps that appear to be rhythmic in your uterus. This is probably caused by the baby having hiccups and isn't cause for alarm. Take this time to continue learning all you can about your
labor, the birth process, and your postpartum recovery.

Gradually Medical Checkup
4/10/2005(Tuesday) Week 32

Hb 9.0 g/dl.71.3kg. 100/60.Tinggi baby 33cm.gerak positif.Sekam kaki ibu jari kaki kanan. Esok puasa.Ari tu bu try puasa,alhamdulilah.Takde apa2 masalah.Mintak2 Ramadhan ni bu dapat penuh..

13/10/2005(Thursday) Week 33

Register at Klinik Pakar Wanita Razif Norana untuk bersalin nanti.First visit je layanan dah best.Hilang gemuruh dan kerisauan di hati.Sengaja pilih klinik ni coz strongly suggested by Kak Zura anak cik Eton and price dia pun reasonable.Takut dgn HTAR la..Macam 2 cerita adaaa...

18/10/2005(Tuesday) Week 34

Hb 9.3 g/dl.hmmm..peningkatan..tapi cam biasala..darah naik,urine problem.walaupun takde connection tp itulah yg berlaku pada bu.. hmm.. =( Berat 72.7.100/80.Tinggi rahim 34cm.Pembesaran ok.Denyut nadi kuat.Baby ibu sihat.. =D

Sepanjang bulan puasa ni,bu cuma dapat puasa 3 hari je.Masuk hari keempat,keadaan bu berubah sama sekali,mabuk,lemah,sendi sakit,tak larat je,melepek..Almaklum la kandungan dah besar,8 bulan.Baby belum boleh accept kot.Takpe la.Hopefully bila dia besar nanti dia akan jadi sihat dan kuat boleh puasa cukup...heheheh..jauh sungguh angan2 bu ye..Disebabkan bu tak puasa,so bu berupaya la sikit2 buat keje/persiapan apa2 yg patut untuk raya ni.Yang paling bu enjoy ialah preparation berbuka untuk baba dan buit kuih raya!! Next year insyaallah larat nanti bu nak buat jual lagi..Macam sebelum2 ni.Tempahan ada actually untuk thn ni tp takde tenaga dan modal and the most important thing is bcoz seluruh tumpuan diberi pada baby bu in tummy ni.. ;-)

Bu.. slept soundly at 10/31/2005 12:12:00 PM

September 30, 2005

Last Trimester (Week 28-31)

Week 30
What your baby's up to
Your baby's permanent teeth have developed and are "waiting" in his gums, underneath their baby teeth. Your baby very aware of the surroundings and his eyelids will open and close. He will even look around and turn toward light. We tend to think of the uterus as a dark place but the uterus actually can be light and dark depending on your environment. Your baby weighs almost three pounds now and is approximately 15.5 inches long.
You may be able to distinguish sleep and wake cycles in your baby. Although it usually seems as if the baby wants to sleep while you are awake and vice versa at night. This is not indicative of a sleepless newborn. Your voice is not only heard by your baby, but is also recognized. Also, he has a grip so strong it is capable of gripping onto your finger. At this point, your baby may be practicing nursing as he sucks his thumb. He has lungs that are capable of breathing air, although medical help may be needed if your baby is born now, and 9 out of 10 babies born
now will survive.

About you and your body
Although you may not feel like it,
exercise is a great way to keep up your energy and stamina. Taking a nice leisurely walk or swimming a couple laps of the pool can help more then you think. Also, your posture is very important to your comfort so remember to continue practicing the mechanics of good posture. Sleeping may also be a problem now but remember to use pillows to prop or support your legs and belly. Also, sleeping on your left side may help as well.
You may find yourself with a nasty case of heartburn from time to time. This is caused as the uterus grows and displaces some of your internal organs. However, don't let it get you down. To help, remain seated or upright for at least 30 to 45 minutes after eating a meal or, if heartburn is interfering with sleep, try sleeping in a recliner. Some women report eating smaller, more frequent meals helps, as well as staying away from spicy, greasy or heavy foods. Remember to discuss with your doctor taking anything for your heartburn, even over the counter medications.

Gradually Medical Checkup
5/9/2005(Monday) Week 28

Hb 8.3 g/dl. 70.9kg.110/70.Same advice,continue haemo (ubat2 yg dibekalkan)


Test glucose. MGTT. Ewwrkk..Tak tahan dgn air gula tuh.Minum separuh notty..jgn baby ikut notty sudah..

13/9/2005(Tuesday) Week 29

Special checkup-SCAN.Baba dah tunggu lama untuk hari ini.Nasib baik doktor tu kasi baba masuk dalam tengok.Baby sihat,nampak muka dia bulat,hicung mancung,paha,lengan,berisi..gerammm...pastu doktor offer tengok jantina.Tak tolak punya..clear abiss nampak 'telur' dia..Ahaks..BABY BOY!!!! senyum melebar kitorang sampai balik umah..doktor cakap air ketuban cukup,uri belah atas,and everything should be ok lah..Alhamdulillah...

19/9/2005(Monday) Week 30

Hb 8.9 g/dl.71.9kg.110/70.Tinggi rahim(baby) 30cm.Gerak positive.Continue ubat(vitamins).Diet advise.

Bu.. slept soundly at 9/30/2005 11:11:00 AM

August 31, 2005

Second Trimester (Week 23-27)

Week 24
What your baby's up to
Your baby is almost completely formed. He is now between 1.25 and 1.5 pounds and is about a foot long.
He will continue to gain weight in muscles, developing organs and the deposit of brown fat. The purpose of the brown fat is to retain body heat. Newborns are notoriously bad at regulating body temperature at first. This is particularly a problem for a baby born early. Changes are occurring in lung development so that some babies are able to survive. Surviving babies may have disabilities and require long-term intensive care. If your baby was born now, he would probably stay in the
NICU until his official due date.
Your baby is totally unaffected by the
Braxton Hicks, or practice, contractions you may be having as well.

About you and your body
Your fundus (top of the uterus) will continue to grow and reaches approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches above your navel. You may be becoming more aware of your baby's movement patterns and can tell when he/she is sleeping or awake. In fact, it is not a bad idea to sleep or rest when you feel your baby resting.
You may start feeling a tightening of your uterus or abdomen from time to time. Don't worry. This is normal and is your body "practicing" for the real thing. These are called
Braxton Hicks contractions. Truth is, the uterus actually contracts at all phases of a woman's life. However, we rarely notice this unless our uterus is full -- like it is now.
At your doctor's appointments you will continue to be measured for
fundal height, weighed and asked how you are feeling. Between your 24th and 28th week, your doctor may order a glucose tolerance test to check your body for gestational diabetes, which occurs in some women. If you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy, you have a higher chance of getting it again this pregnancy, than a women who was not diagnosed with it in a previous pregnancy.

Gradually Medical Checkup
8/8/2005 (Monday) week 24

Hb 8.6 g/dl. Berat 69.6 kg. 110/70.Baby aktif bergerak.Bu sihat,baby sihat, cuma bu tak berapa lalu makan dan bu dah mula malas nak ke klinik..uwaa...penatt.....

22/8/2005 (Monday) week 26

Hb 8.6 g/dl. 70.5 kg. 110/70.Dung dang dung dang baby tendang.hihihi..Lain2 biasa ajer...

Bu.. slept soundly at 8/31/2005 10:10:00 AM

about me

*Dear All,Assalammualaikum and salam sejahtera.Welcome to Our Angel's Journey blog, khas buat our 1st coming baby after one year marriage..Let's share the story..
*Parents: Kartini(Bu)&Fairuz(Baba)
*Married: 13th March 2004(21 Muharram 1425)
*Baby will born: 29th Nov 2005(27 Syawal 1426)

Recent Journey

Setahun lebih berlalu..
9 hari lagi... (38th week and 5 days pregnant)
10 hari lagi.. ( 38th week and 4 days pregnant)
Last Trimester (Week 37-40) In Syawal
Last Trimester (Week 32-35) In Ramadhan
Last Trimester (Week 28-31)
Second Trimester (Week 23-27)
Second Trimester (Week 19-22)
Second Trimester (Week 15-18)
First Trimester (Week 10-14)

Past Journey

March 2004
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
July 2007


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